• A range of innovative services towards the SMEs.

The Business Center "l’Espace Entreprise" of Montpellier provides innovative technical solutionsgiving you the possibility to manage directly and wherever you are in France or abroad your calls and faxes.

Thanks to the Voice to Mail system the Business Center "l’Espace Entreprise" of Montpellier sets up a number (local, 0900, etc.) on which your partners, clients and suppliers may leave messages that are immediately sent in your inbox on a wave file. This system allows you to manage in real time the messages left by living you the choice to recall immediately or not your callers. You can also set up a transfer towards the phone number of your choice.

  • Thanks to its partners the Business Center "l’Espace Entreprise" of Montpellier put at your disposal also a service of Videoconference for the first time in Montpellier. This system will enlarge the videoconference audience by making it accessible even to companies with an occasional needs or not enough to justify the investment in its own system.

    Business Center
    L’Espace Entreprise
    de Montpellier

    Assistance Gestion, secrétariat, conseil gestion, …

  • Thanks to the Fax to Mail th e Business Center "l’Espace Entreprise" of Montpellier is allowing you to receive directly your faxes in your inbox on PDF files unlimited. This system will allow you a better management of your faxes and of your costs lined to a classic fax (Paper, ink,…) by selecting the documents you wish to print or not.


  • teleservices


from the Business Center L’Espace Entreprise of Montpellier
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